Guide: How to properly clean your empties

Whether your products are going in curbside recycling or into a Pact Bin, finished product packaging must be clean and fully empty. Packaging that still has goop left can contaminate and damage equipment used by recycling facilities, resulting in gummed up recycling systems and negative environmental impacts. To avoid that, follow our cleaning tips for your empties below.

Packaging cleaning tips

๐Ÿ’„ Save a minimum of five empties before you clean. That way, you can clean multiple packages at once.

๐Ÿงด Take apart all caps, pumps, lids and closures so you properly clean each component.

๐Ÿซง Hot water and dish soap are your best cleaning friends.

๐Ÿ’ฆ Try to avoid running the water when you clean your empties to help reduce negative impact. We like to fill one big bowl or the sink with water and add all of the empties together to soak.

๐Ÿชฅ Straw brushes are great for cleaning tiny packaging, like caps and closures.

โœ‚ Tubes can be tricky to clean. The easiest way to clean tubes is to cut the top of the tube open, so youโ€™ll be able to clean inside.

๐Ÿงผ Mascara tubes are also tough. We like to use a straw brush or a clean mascara wand to clean the inside with soap and hot water. Repeat a brush and rinse process until the clear water runs out of the tube.

๐Ÿ’„ Lipstick tubes are best cleaned with a small spatula or scoop. Roll the tube all the way up and scoop out as much product as you can, then use a small straw brush to scrub out any remaining product. Hot water is key here.


Guide: Designing better beauty and wellness packaging


Circularity in the beauty and wellness industry